Sarah! I am so glad to see you allowing comments and letting us talk to you again! :) I love your Friday Five and would read any substack from you to be honest! :) Your miniatures are so cute—I've wanted to build an epic dollhouse for years. Just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe these little things like you do would be more accessible for me.

You continue to be such an inspiration to me, Sarah, and I'm so glad you send these newsletters.



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Did you watch the show Natalie Morales did called Abby's? I think 3 of us did, but you and I are peas in a pod sometimes, so maybe you're one of the others. I loved it, but it wasn't big and flashy, so of course it didn't continue. It looks like you can catch it on Prime as well.

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Several things. 1. I finally finished your entire catalog of novels over the summer. I spent time reading old favorites and finished with “That Summer,” which seemed like perfect symmetry. Favorites are “Just Listen,” “Dreamland,” and “Once and For All,” which I picked up without reading the description because I wanted something light and breezy… amazing but not light and breezy. Grabbed a trashy romance after that before diving back in.

2. Love the grinder! I tweeted about it when it was airing and Rob Lowe retweeted me and it’s my one claim to fame.

3. Have you read The Miniature Mansion of Myra Malone? I enjoyed it, and it seems light up your alley. Also the Instagram account SouthernGothicDollhouse.

Have a great weekend!

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I was late to know about your books, found you through the movie How to Deal. Saw it was based on 2 of your books. Immediately bought them, then the rest. I so look forward to your Friday Five. Thank you for letting us tell you how much we appreciate you! ♥️

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I am so happy you allowed for comments. When I had just graduated from high school. I religiously read your blog. Your words were a light in my life at that time and have missed you ever since. I read your Friday Five every week and even am thinking of doing my own each week! I love your miniatures! You’re so creative!! Thank you thank you thank you for being you and doing what you do!!

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Thanks for opening comments! I always love to hear from you, I’ve been reading since you were on livejournal!

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Hi Sarah! I love the therapy session! I think I have seen some posts similar in passing but wonder what these are.

Also, I’m sure you hear this all of the time, but if you could please please please get The Truth About Forever green lit in to a movie, show, Netflix, Hulu. It would be so ever greatly appreciated. Still my favorite !

Forever is composed of nows!

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Sarah, thank you for allowing comments. The Friday five is highpoint of my week. A quick break from life to read a bit about yours and I always feel calmer after reading. Thank you for the moments of connection you share with us, it is truly appreciated. And I'm glad you're letting us respond so we can share how much it means to us 💜

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❤️ Thanks for sharing, it always brightens my week!

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I just discovered this blog about a week ago but have been counting the days to your next post! Thank you for all you do!


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I also am loving your Friday five! It makes me happy and I enjoy hearing your stories. Thank you for sharing and brightening the day.

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Your Friday Five is a highlight for me!

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I look forward to your Friday Fives every week! Long time reader and fan, I can’t wait to see what comes next. Also - I love the minis! I’ve always wanted to try them and have had so many items to put in them saved in my amazon list…this has been my sign that I need to start!

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I look forward to your Friday Five every Friday! You have been my all time faviote Author since I was 14!! I read The Truth About Forever at least once a year, if not more, because it's my comfort book..the one I read when no other book sounds good or when I'm needing something to fill my soul. Thank you for being such a genuine person. So excited for your next book!! 💚

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So funny, I also JUST finished Demon Copperhead! It’s definitely one I will be thinking about for a long time. Thank you for these weekly Friday Fives, it’s always such a pocket of joy to read updates from an author whose work I’ve loved since elementary school (when I was a precocious reader branching into YA for the first time!)

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I'm about to start reading Demon Copperhead, so you aren't the last person in the world to finally read it :)

I've loved your books for years and your Friday newsletter is such a treat. Thank you for all your words :)

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