Hi Sarah! My name is Jania!

I’ve been reading your books since I was about 12 (I’m 26 now) & you have been one of the most pivotal authors I’ve encountered. You shaped my love of reading.

My mom used to take my older sister & I to the bookstore & we’d leave with piles of your stories. My all-time favorites are Once & For All and The Rest Of The Story.

The way you weave a love story into a life story. The details of your settings, the crossovers & easter eggs, the particular cadence of your writing — it’s all so beautiful.

I started seriously writing around 17 & when I thought about the stories I wanted to tell, I thought about you. When people ask me about my favorite author , I tell them it’s you.

I was so excited to learn that you had a substack. I just found this platform a month or so ago & I’m feeling my way around, trying to discover what I’d like to write.

I’m loving the Friday Five — your words. This particular rhythm, I’ve deeply missed this melody.

Anyway — just wanted to say thank you. You are an extraordinary talent.

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I could've written most of this! :)

Sarah is such an inspiration, and I definitely think it shows in my own books!

Good luck with your writing, Jania! You're one to talk about rhythm and melody—you have it, too. Such a beautifully written comment.

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That’s so incredibly kind of you to say, Ronni, thank you! I would absolutely love to read some of your work!

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Hope I’m not overstepping, but those thoughts sound like anxiety and if it’s affecting your sleep, you might want to talk to your doctor about an anxiety medication before bed. They have worked wonders for me!

Otherwise, there’s always the whole “write down all the negative thoughts in a list and tell your brain: these are all morning problems” trick

Best of luck!

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I have insomnia too! It’s awful, but wishing you lots of rest and a break soon! I think the paid version of content would be really cool, you should do it. We’ll take any update, note or thoughts from you as they come. I’ve always enjoyed your writing as my favorite author and it’s kind of cool to read about some of your daily life. You’re awesome, don’t ever forget it :)

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My partner went to elementary school with the star/writer of English Teacher! It's still so odd to see his face on billboards because I've seen pictures of them together as little kids camping and making mud pies.

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Sarah, have you tried mouth tape? I started doing it about a month ago and my sleep and deep sleeping has really improved. I hope you find a solution that works for you soon. 💜

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I understand the 4:30 internal alarm going off! Sometimes it’s 3:00 am!? I slept like a baby until perimenopause—early 40’s. I use edibles now for sleep: CBN & CBD but I’m in California. Good luck; I hope you find a solution.

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I’m excited to find someone else who enjoyed English Teacher and 100% hard agree on bonus points for the inclusion of any VM cast member. I’m looking forward to seeing where this show goes, it’s so well done. I accidentally re-subscribed to Apple+ thinking they had a movie my kiddo wanted to watch. I was wrong, but locked in for at least the month so I watched Presumed Innocent and Palm Royale and really enjoyed both. I think I’ll try Bad Monkey next. I’m a Floridian so it’s always fun to watch Florida-set shows even though real life here often feels more like fiction 😬 I love all of your writing, but the Friday Five is always an especially fun treat when it arrives in my inbox. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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I needed a pick me up last week so I reread This Lullaby and it was as lovely as ever. Your books have been brining me comfort since middle school, and I’m now a 31 year old school counselor. I love the Friday Five ❤️

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Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about the sleep issues. It really does throw a damper on to everything. I hope your brain lets you rest soon! Meanwhile, I'd like to sit beside you on the Tired Train if you don't mind. We can talk about miniatures or whatever, or not say anything at all.

As for doing this every week—listen, I'm happy to hear from you whenever you feel like writing. But I want you to never feel obligated to send these out if you're not feeling it. I'd rather you be OK than I get content in my inbox.

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I've been nonsensically waking up earlier this week, and at one point I got so mad about it that I cried. Is it a changing-of-the-seasons thing? Sigh.

Agreed on all the cool things happening here on Substack! I'm using mine to publish a contemporary YA/NA serial, and I'm loving it so far.

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It’s always good to hear from you! Unfortunately, I feel your pain on the sleep issues. I was so lucky not to have any until last year, and ever since the struggle has been so real. I try to give myself grace and patience and trust it will get better. Here’s hoping for all of us struggling with sleep!

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